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Connect to vnc server through an ssh tunnel

Go to solution Solved by TomasP,

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Forgive the n00b question please. I am new to Smart Security. I installed it today only to discover that I am now unable to connect to a vnc server on my local network through an ssh tunnel that I've got between my PC and the host running the vnc server. I presume I need some special rules to enable that. Can anyone help me figure out how to set that up?



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Hello, please go to the Advanced setup and in the Personal firewall section, set the Filtering mode to Learning mode.

This mode "learns" communication you make with your programs (i.e. it creates allowing rules for them).

After you successfully use the tool and establish the connection, return the firewall to Automatic mode.

The rules created during the Learning mode will be remembered and you should be able to use the tool in the future without it being blocked.



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