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era_mdm_db_log.LDF is out of control!

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My SQL server alerted me this morning that it was running low on disk space. It turns out that one of the, what I thought insignificant, databases (the era_mdm_db_log file) was eating away at my disk.


era_mdm_db.mdf - 9MB

era_mdm_db_log.ldf - 71GB  :o  :o  :o


I only have one mobile device registered with my ERA!


What the hell!?


I can't shrink it - there is only 0.24MB of space available.


Can this file be deleted and recreated, then size-limited before it kills my SQL server?












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Woah that is huge for 1 device.  What are you using for your database backup method and how often is it occurring?  Log truncation cannot happen until a backup is done.  Perform a backup of both the database and the transaction log of type FULL and then attempt to shrink the log.


PS - no, don't delete the transaction log.

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  • 3 weeks later...



The backup is scheduled daily, using the Backup Database Task from the SQL Management Studio. I've no reason to believe it isn't working (the schedule backs up a few other SQL databases at the same time and they're all OK).


As suggested, I've run a manual backup from the SQL Management Studio, then attempted to shrink the Database (not Files), and the allocated space is now 75,686.56MB! Yikes !



Is there a way to completely remove the MDM settings/database and start over?









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  • ESET Staff

Basically, you should uninstall the MDMCore completely, and at the end check "remove database". Then you should install the newest version of MDMCore (version 6.3*) which includes a lot of internal improvements (I assume, that installed version is older). If you want to have more information / steps how to try to resolve the issue you are experiencing, you should open a support ticket.

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I've done that and registered one Android device with it.


18 hours in and the new MDF is just shy of 5MB, but the LDF is approaching 1GB in size. It's not looking good.


What I have noticed is the Recovery model for the database is set to Full and Auto Shrink is set to False. I've changed the recovery model to 'simple', enabled auto-shrink and disabled autogrowth to see if taht can keep the file size to a more manageable level.





Edited by neilm-uk
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A couple of days in and everything seems to have settled down.


I'd disabled Auto Shrink (I understand it's bad practice to leave this enabled) and left the auto grow disabled. The LDF is now only 3MB.

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