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Update mirrors accident - wrong update.ver date - 2 days updates GAP!?


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Today evening (about 18:20 GMT) there something wrong happened to date setting on servers for generation of control files for virus database updates.

From this time RAR files have datestamp 2 days shifted to past. Date of packed config files is correct (in fact update.ver is RAR archive containing also update.ver file but text
formated (BTW screwed idea!).

As result update.ver stops to propagate to ESET products. I did not check all versions but at mimimum V5 and V6 products are afected.

ESET products will not update until someone fixes timestamp or until file date goes over last downloaded file with correct date (2 days!!).

Because updates directories structure (also very crazy - each release does have new numbered directory - big proxy bandwith waste), there will be names inconsitence which can can cause error 1106 on ESET client.

temporary solution:
clear all caches in path (Antivir, PROXY servers)

Because in past I made actualization scripts (before ESET released own) I have lot of experience with this vasting and unreliable schema :-(


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Update: it seems  now problem is fixed and last files have right date and will refresh all caches...

But it is good to know - dont trust ESET update mechanism (complicated, unefective  and fragile)


- if long time from last update passed - try to clean caches and check updates

  version on ESET pages:



Edited by zhladik
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But it is good to know - dont trust ESET update mechanism (complicated, unefective  and fragile)



in fact there is nothing you can 100% trust. nothing is perfect and everything has it's minor or major flaws. ;)

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