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ERA 6.3 clients showing up as unmanged

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I have just started installing ERA 6.3 on pcs and they show up in the Lost And Found (As expected) I then move them to the correct groups and the install that is set on the groups runs and Antivirus is installed. But only problem is the Clients still show as status: unmanaged. I have rebooted the pcs multiple times but still nothing. I have attached a pic of what I am seeing. The Status has the open circle instead of the green check mark and the last connected is blank.


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  • ESET Staff

Could you please specify you SERVER configuration - platform, database type? Does restarting ERA service makes any difference? Have you been recently doing any ERA database or machine reverts? When you open client details view, are there any missing fields? Does this happens for all clients or only specific set? Affected clients are standard AGENT installation or they are virtual machines protected by EVS/VirtualAgentHost? Could you check SERVER's trace.log for errors - especially database related errors?


Problem is that for some reason there is no "Last connected" information for these clients and therefore they are marked as unmanaged.

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  • 1 month later...

I would like to chime in that I am seeing the same. Let me give you some information about my setup. I am running the ERA 6.3 Linux Virtual Appliance. Restarting the ERA server does not seem to resolve the issue. I have not restored the appliance to an earlier time. 


When I look at client details, I can see all information about the NICS, OS version etc. Clients are physical machines, not virtual. 


I am not sure how to check the logs on the virtual appliance. 

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  • ESET Staff

I would like to chime in that I am seeing the same. Let me give you some information about my setup. I am running the ERA 6.3 Linux Virtual Appliance. Restarting the ERA server does not seem to resolve the issue. I have not restored the appliance to an earlier time. 


When I look at client details, I can see all information about the NICS, OS version etc. Clients are physical machines, not virtual. 


I am not sure how to check the logs on the virtual appliance. 


Does Webconsole show any last connection time for problematic clients on main clients view? Is there proper last connection time visible in client details?  Computers are considered as managed in case there is no last connection information - so we must find your why it is missing. Could you please check SERVER's trace.log for errors?

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  • 2 months later...
  • ESET Insiders

I had this issue. Try upgrading to ERA 6.4 and see if that resolves it.

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