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Activating Clients?

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I am actually trying to migrate to ESET 6 from 5 to a new server (Windows 2012 instead of 2003)


A lot of difficulties until now.

Just succeeded in deploying 1 client but...it shows as unactivated despite server having 0/250 licences used


Did not found how to activate it


Any help there? :D


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There are several ways how to do it. Supposing you have already added your license in the License management section (hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/63/en-US/index.html?activation.htm), you can specify a license either during the creation of a software install task or later by creating an activation task for the dynamic group "Not activated security product". As soon as a computer falls into this group, the activation task will be run automatically. For a list of tutorial videos, open https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHxeNUYCjBXLadGq4QyjzD1Gb91NBAlLR.

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