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number of licenses taken by computers

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Is thare a way to know which computers are taking my ESET licenses ?

On ERA i have for example 130 computers connected to server but on the screen with license manager i see that i have 160 taken.

I have some cpmputers activated without access to ERA server but is there a way to see at least their addresses ?

It would be nice to see on license manager screen that for example  some computers connecting from address x.x.x.1 are using 10 licenses and some from x.x.x.2 are using 3.

Any way i can make such report  now ?


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  • ESET Staff
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As of now, you can see the full list of activated clients using ESET License Administrator on https://ela.eset.com

You will need your license key & license administrator password (you should have received both upon your license purchase / conversion / renewal) in order to login to ELA.

There go to the "unit management" tab, where you will see all clients. 


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