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Legacy Credentials (Username/Password) to License Key

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Been using Eset AV for Business since version 3. Currently stuck at version 5 (EEA/ERAC) and wanted to try version 6 and possible upgrade depending on the outcome of my evaluation.


My question is once the legacy credentials (username/password) has been converted to a license key, will the username and password still valid/active and usable? The reason I ask this is this same username and password is currently being used by ERAC to download the latest definitions from Eset servers.


Will something happen on ERAC and EEA5 endpoints? What will be the impact on our current setup if I will convert the legacy credentials to license key?


Your answer will be very much appreciated and thank you in advance.







NB: Kindly transfer this post if this is not the correct section.


Edit: Sorry my post is duplicated as I thought the other one was not posted due to "timed out" error upon hitting POST. Thanks Marcos for deleting the other post.

        ERA to ERAC

Edited by powereds
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From my experience, yes, legacy credentials still works after I generated the licence key.

That's correct. Endpoint v5 didn't support activation using a license key so you can use your U/P to download updates.

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