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Push install from remote admin of the client that uninstalls existing AV products?

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In the downloads for the corporate license we purchased, I see there is a client version I can download and install that removes many of the common AV products as part of the install of ESET, saving us the trouble of doing so manually.


I'm looking through the repository, and don't see any of those flavors.  I assume there's no way to push that?  We'll have to manually remove if we're going to try to use the remote admin to push a client install?





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You can accomplish this as follows:
1, Create a dynamic group with a rule for installed software which will contain computers with your current AV

2, Create a software uninstall task for the above dynamic group

3, Create a dynamic group with rules for installed software which will contain computers without ESET and without your current AV

4, Create a software install task for the above dynamic group that will install ESET Endpoint

5, Create an activation task for Not activated security product dynamic group

6. Deploy agent on clients.


Should you need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. There are many knowledgeable users here as well as ESET moderators who should be able to answer your questions.

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