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Disorderstatus.ru and differentia.ru viruses

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Hello. I don't want to waste time talking so let me get right to the topic.

So i have this flash disk [ purple 4gb old kingston ] which was totally safe and usable. One day i needed it for a file transfer ( some work WORD dossiers ) and gave it to one of my partners, when she normally opens a flash disk on her computer, some my videos and my music kinda folders slip in and there is the fast usage made button whic leaded to the original files, the original files always had my music things like that in it too. So i give my flash disk to my partner and she plugs in to her computer and i don't know where it came from, but those my music files came to my flash too, normally it jjust opened the folders. Then, i get it back after two or three days, those my music folders are still there, INSTANTLY when i plug in, ESET antivirus program started to say possible thread. i scanned and there was a worm virus thing. Now i got these disorderstatus . ru and differententia . ru worms trying to give my status to sites i've never heard of ( h t t p : / / d i f f e r e n t i a . r u / d i f f . p d f . . . . h t p p : d i s o r d e r s t a t u s . r u / o r d e r . p h p ) and eset is nearly like SPAMMING this adress blocked messages ,after some research i know these are viruses. I have windows 8.1 by the way, i can give more info if you think you can solve it. I TRUST YOU ESET, YOU NEVER LET ME DOWN!!  :D  :D right now im making full scan, probably not gonna delete those worms but whatever it blocks it so i feel safe  :)

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