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Application status warning on client

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I want to know which clients are not up to date in the RA console, but I don't want users to get the warning notification on their desktop client.


Is there a way to disable only that warning (that the ESET client is out-of-date) for the client?


Thank you.

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What you can do is to edit a policy which is applied on clients and specify the maximum age of the signature database after which the protection status will change:


Outdated Virus Signature Database alerts
This setting defines the maximally allowed age of the Virus Signature Database before it is considered outdated and an alert will be shown.

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Sorry, I should have been more specific. This is the warning that the ESET software version and/or OS (not signature) is out of date that the user can see on the client-side.

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To suppress the warning on clients, configure a policy to be applied on clients that will have "Operating system is not up to date" disabled under User interface -> Application statuses.

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To suppress the warning on clients, configure a policy to be applied on clients that will have "Operating system is not up to date" disabled under User interface -> Application statuses.

Thanks for your reply.


I see this available in policies for Windows. However, the only option for OS X under User Interface is 'Show splash-screen at startup'.


Are there no other options to control the end-user experience in OS X?

Edited by j-gray
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