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ESET notifies you of Windows Updates


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Loving this feature. Windows never notifies me of patch Tuesday's until I see the ! on Eset's taskbar icon telling me my windows isn't up to date. It even shows you the list of updates available as well. It keeps showing me 'Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro' even though it never shows in the update list for Windows Update though.



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  • Former ESET Employees

Thanks! To be honest, this is one of my favorite features as well.


You could turn on Automatic Updating but I like to see and choose what it is I'm updating. For example, "Upgrade to Windows 10" is not on my current list of needs atm.  


But employee or not, I love that ESET pushes these notifications. 

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Herr im Himmel ist das hier kompliziert,



nach dem letzten Updat, keine Ahnung was es war.

Musste ich meinen Router neu Konfikurieren und meinen Drucker kommplett neu Instalieren.


wie kann ich meine ganzen geräte wie, Samsung Handy oder Amazon Fire tablet mit meinen PC am einfachsten verbinden,..... wie es zum Beispiel mit diesen Japanischen Programm klappte, da sah ich den Bildschirm vom Handy, und konnte am PC auf das Handy zugreifen


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the windows Update detection. I have discovered machines that were not updating correctly. I do have several machines that are essentially up to date but are still on the list. All critical updates are loaded. Skype and a Nvidia update are not.

Any ideas on how to get these machines off the list?

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  • Administrators

I like the windows Update detection. I have discovered machines that were not updating correctly. I do have several machines that are essentially up to date but are still on the list. All critical updates are loaded. Skype and a Nvidia update are not.

Any ideas on how to get these machines off the list?


Please make a new topic in the appropriate forum (probably in ESET Remote Administrator). This forum is intended to deal with general queries not directly related to ESET's products. Also add some screen shots for illustration as it's not clear what list you'd like to get those machines off.

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