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SSL websites Not Loading with Chrome

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Hi Guys

Recently i updated to the new Chrome latest version and also Eset Smart security latest version but every time i load https websites they dont load and i get an error. Someone told me its due to Eset.

Can you please let me know how to fix this issue without damaging my security

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That could happen if an ESET root certificate could not be added to the trusted root certification authorities certificate store (e.g. if a browser was running during the installation of ESET).


Please try the following:

1, restart the computer (do not open any application)

2, open the ESET advanced setup

3, in the Web and email section, disable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK.

4, open the main setup and re-enable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK.

5, open Chrome and open an https website (e.g. https://www.google.com).


Let us known if that fixed the issue or if the issue still persists.

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