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CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization

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Suddenly whole agent event agent in server itself stop working. we use linux CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 for era server


i check trace.log from user.

2015-11-09 06:09:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:10:21 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 1210]: CReplicationManager: Replication (network) connection to 'host: "xxx.com" port: 2222' failed with: (0x274d), No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
2015-11-09 06:11:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:11:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:12:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:12:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:13:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:13:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:14:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:14:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:15:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:15:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:16:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:16:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:17:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:17:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:18:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:18:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:19:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:19:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread e08]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)

Here's the log from trace.log in era agent /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Agent/trace.log

2015-11-09 06:10:17 Information: CSystemConnectorModule [Thread 7f352d7fa700]: Retrieving general operating system information
2015-11-09 06:10:17 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f350b7fe700]: CReplicationManager: Replication (network) connection to 'host: "xxx.com" port: 2222' failed with: Connection refused
2015-11-09 06:10:19 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f350b7fe700]: CReplicationManager: Replication (network) connection to 'host: "xxx.com" port: 2222' failed with: Connection refused
2015-11-09 06:10:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:10:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:11:21 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:11:21 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=OutOfOrder, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000014', link='Automatic replication (OUT_OF_ORDER)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:11:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:11:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:12:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:12:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:13:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:13:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:14:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization
2015-11-09 06:14:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CReplicationManager: Failure of scenario (type=Regular, task_id='00000000-0000-0000-7005-000000000001', link='Automatic replication (REGULAR)' (00000000-0000-0000-7007-000000000001), current_step= [], current_step_phase=, remote_peer=host: "xxx.com" port: 2222, remote_peer_type=3, remote_peer_id=28462988-65ab-4fae-835c-bf3300a99d5c, remote_realm_id=)
2015-11-09 06:15:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f354d7fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave stopped replication during initialization

here's the log from era server /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/trace.log

2015-11-09 06:27:57 Error: NetworkModule [Thread 7f5fb8ff1700]: User context does not exist for id 401
2015-11-09 06:28:12 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:28:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:28:17 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:17 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:28:17 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:28:18 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:21 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:24 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:27 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:29 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:32 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:33 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:33 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:36 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:36 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:37 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:28:37 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:28:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:28:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:28:53 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:54 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:28:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:28:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:29:12 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:29:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:29:16 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:16 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:29:16 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:29:18 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:19 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:24 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:24 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:26 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:28 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:31 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:33 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:33 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:36 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:36 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:36 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:29:36 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:29:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:29:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:29:49 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:53 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:55 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:29:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:29:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:30:12 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:30:14 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:30:16 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:17 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:30:17 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:30:17 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:20 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:21 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:24 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:26 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:28 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:31 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:33 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:33 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f60257fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:35 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:36 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:37 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:37 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:30:37 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff3fff700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:30:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:30:44 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff37fe700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)
2015-11-09 06:30:49 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff27fc700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:53 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff17fa700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:55 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f6024ff9700]: CStepProcessor: Replication master validation process failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff1ffb700]: CStepTx: Data processing failed with: Object 643db712-1b4b-4fff-9e9c-b05f9f47ca23 was not found (LoadClientTrigger: Client trigger does not exist)
2015-11-09 06:30:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepTx: Received unexpected message of type 205 (step: 'MetadataStaticObjects', phase: Failed)
2015-11-09 06:30:56 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread 7f5ff2ffd700]: CStepProcessor: Replication slave failed to process network message of type 205 with: CStepTx: Received unexpected message or step is not in expected state (phase)

any clue how to fix this ? right now i can't manage our user from ERA



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I'd suggest contacting Customer care and supplying them with the trace logs. They will pass them to the ERA engineers for further analysis.

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I'd suggest contacting Customer care and supplying them with the trace logs. They will pass them to the ERA engineers for further analysis.

it's been 2 days since i report the issue but it didn't have answered what i need to do. my ERA still under same condition (can't maintenance our eset network, even itself)

Edited by hari.senen
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