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Endpoint Security 6 problems with Windows 7

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Hey there,


I got a really annoying problem with my computers.  I have installed Versión de Remote Administrator de ESET (Server)  and Versión de Remote Administrator de ESET (Consola web) and I have deployed the agent and the A.V. on my clients (about 100 computers).  The problem is that in some computers (8 or 9 until today) have started to crash (freeze) until the user can't use his computer.  I contacted ESET support but I haven't recieved any answer to my problem yet.


So please tell me what information you need about my computer or maybe about the policy applied.  Please, if anyone of you can help me or give me any idea of what could been happened, please tell me.

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Please install this hotfix and let us know if it helped: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2567.

Sorry, I have a question.  The Hotfix is for the windows server (as far as I understand) but I have the problem with the clients, I mean, windows 7.  So, is the server where I installed the console the problem?

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Well, I installed the hotfix on thursday and I haven't had problems since there.  So I guess that was the solution.




Please install this hotfix and let us know if it helped: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2567.


 Is there a hotfix por x86 systems?



The hotfix is also for x86 systems.


Yeap, I just had to get into the page from a computer with a x86 system.

Edited by vzavala1986
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  • 2 weeks later...

We have had the same problem and according to the documnetation the Hotfix was supposed to be installed on the server there was never any mention of deploying ot on workstations. If you haven't already done so the hotfix shoukld be installed on the clients. The Hotfix seems to have worked for us after the initial problem, pretty significant problem actually. Users workstations will start to freeze if fix not applied.  Also, it seems very strange that there is no mention of pushing the hotfix on clients as well as your remote server.

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  • 2 months later...



we've the same problem here. In our company we have round about 250 clients with ESET v.6.2.2033.1. 


40-50 clients have problems with "freezing" (Win 7/8.1/10). We don't know why. Several clients, several OS, several Hardware. When we disable ESET on the workstations all is working fine. We've replaced the "network.dll" as described here: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2567/.


Regarding the hotfix: It's not possible to execute the Hotfix on Windows 8.1 or 10. Is there another Hotfix available or is it not necessary. 


If we downgrade the certain clients to version 5 all is working fine. 


What can we do?

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello shathippens,

Do you mean that even after applying the network.dll file on the ERA Server, the client computers are still slow?

In our experience, either one or the other solution helped.

In this case, please contact your local ESET support office for further investigation, as this may or may not be related to the issue discussed in this topic.



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