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False Positive

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I'll like some help on a file I downloaded from the website www.systemrequirementslab.com/. The file's name is "Detection.msi" and according to the website the file's job is to check my system information to see if the game I wish to run on my computer is compatible. However, I decided to run the file on VirusTotal (after, installing the file). This is the result:




CAT-QuickHeal (Suspicious) - DNAScan

1/56 Detection Ratio


I uninstalled the file immediately and rebooted my computer. Ran custom scan on ESET (run as administrator) twice and detected nothing.


I'm wondering if the file is a false positive, since the major antivirus programs didn't detect any potential harm. I would had ignore this problem if I had some information towards what a DNAScan is but I can't find no good reliable source on google search.


Can anyone help?


Thank You!

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  • ESET Moderators


The only way how to submit files which you think should be detected and are not, or are detected and should not be, is to send them attached to an email to samples@eset.com

Please compress them in a zip archive and use a industry-standard password 'infected' so that it passes any possible mail filters and reaches the destination email address.


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I, for one, wouldn't be concerned if a file is detected by a product that does not belong to top vendors and also the detection name doesn't tell anything but suspicious. The file is 99,99% innocuous.

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"DNAScan" is probably a name Quick Heal uses when they detect something based on some criteria.


"Quick Heal’s DNAScan technology is designed to tackle this problem as it identifies new threats. It does not depend on virus signature database to detect new viruses."


But this sounds like a FP case. You could always contact Quick Heal and say that you believe this is a FP and that they should fix it.....hxxp://www.quickheal.com/quick-heal-support-center

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