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even not detect ads by dnsunlocker

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Hi, I'm one the fans of eset products and using eset internet security for many years without any problems
but about a few days ago i start to see some adds around website i open in all browsers , taking too much cpu and ram and bandwidth usage
in the first i thought maybe it`s on websites but then i figure it out it`s kind of malware or even virus that now take all over my phones , mobile , labtops
after i do full scan with Eset and not found any virus or malware
i try to install many antivirus and antispam and they have the same result
only malwarebytes detect something related to it and just delete it and block the connection to it , but seems this anti malware can not remove it completely cause every site i opened the block notification comes popup

everytime the IP and port is different
I try many ways when i search around internet to remove this ( clear cache all browsers , set dns on automatic , try to locate and uninstall it )
nothing work and this addware back after a few hours or restarts
please take a look and find a way to protect your fans ...

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If you have a license purchased, please contact Customer care for assistance. We provide cleaning service for paying users only.

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