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ESS and automatic email deletion in Outlook?

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I'm wondering if any component ESS consists of might be made responsible for deleting emails in Outlook without asking.


This morning I received a legitimate email in Outlook that was clasified as spam and moved to the Spam folder. After I have manually marked it as a legitimate email it has been moved to my inbox but a few seconds later automatically deleted from the IMAP server (Gmail). I'm running the latest version of MS Outlook, i.e. v16 and have the latest version of ESS v8 installed, which - as we know - doesn't integrate with Outlook yet.

However, I remember having seen this also in Outlook v15, too...


The deleted email is irrecoverable.


What should I uncheck in the settings of ESS to prevent it from deleting my email automatically in the future?

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  • ESET Staff

Hi @remicco,


If you take a look into the "Advanced configuration" of ESET, "Antispam" section you can see there is no option to "delete mails".

The default settings of ESET Smart Security never deletes an email, as you saw is moved from "Inbox > Spam" (when ESET

evaluate as positive spam) and after you mark as "no spam" is back to inbox (Spam > Inbox).


But, if you not disable the internal Spam options of your mail software (Outlook in this case) you can face "issues" (unexpected which ones).


As ESET KB 391 states, is not good to have 2 software doing the same thing (related to security and protection).


  Can I use ESET Smart Security and a third-party antispam
  or firewall product at the same time?


I suggest you check the Outlook settings of antispam filters and disable it, so you have only 1 antispam engine working.

Hope this help you.

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As ESET KB 391 states, is not good to have 2 software doing the same thing (related to security and protection).-


I Had problems with Hotmail (outlook.com)/ Gmail loading Very slowly, no doubt to 2 software doing the same thing. I prefer using the Advanced spam filter options in both emails, so I disabled ESS spam filter starting automatically.

Email now loads Fast!

BTW- I had to retrust IE11/Opera browsers, after the next cold startup!

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  • ESET Staff


Please don't be confuse about 2 email accounts been access by email software with 2 programs doing the same thing.

Many email software check several accounts at the same time.


BTW, whatever you choose to be your spam filter option, is your choice. :)

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  • 1 year later...

Nothing further noted on this topic but wonder if any further thought given to provide a way to automaticly delete email marked as {[SPAM] . I get practicly "0" incorrectly marked junk and just as soon take the risk rather than have to delete manualy



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