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Scan Log not showing all clients that ran scheduled scans successfully

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Hello Team,

We are running the scheduled scans for almost 50+ servers. Only 10 servers are reporting back to the ERA console and visible in the \"Scan Log\" tab. We are not able to see the remaining clients reporting to the scan log.

All the clients are Linux servers and running with ESET Security

The ERA server version is 5.2.22

Kindly let me know what all should I need to check on the client side or in the ERA console.


Also, please let me know if any more information is needed to check why some clients are not reporting back with Scan Logs.


All the clients are connected to the ERA console and receiving updates from the ERA server without any issues.  But it is just the "Scan log" is not visible.


Thank You

Edited by Kupierbelt
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