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Local Installer Repository?

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Just started testing ESET and I'm interested in knowing where/how the installers are located. Are they contained locally with the ERA download? Are they all downloaded to a local repository? Are they cached as and when they are downloaded?


I couldn't really find the answer in the ERA manual. I ask because our client is on a poor internet connection.


Many thanks for your help,


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It depends on what installers you mean. If you mean Endpoint installers, as long as the proxy server is set correctly in agent's settings / policy, they will be cached.

Alternatively you can download Endpoint installers and point to them when creating a software install task.

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Hi. Thanks for the response.


It is simply for the Endpoint Security for about 20 clients, and File Security for 2 servers. When I rang support they gave me the impression that upon remote install, the client would always download from your (ESET) online repository - most network a/v solutions I've dealt with would hold/cache the installers locally, to distribute to the clients - do i need to make any amendments to the default install to get the system to cache the installers, or will it work out of the box?


If I download the Endpoint installer manually, is there a specific location that I should download the file to? (i.e. the ERA installer cache/repository?) - I'm using ERA for ESXi.


Many thanks,


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If agent is configured to connect through a proxy server, the proxy should cache the Endpoint installer. To take advantage of caching, you'd need to install Endpoint on one computer before deploying it to others so that the installer is completely downloaded and cached.

You can also choose not to use ESET's repository and point the install task to a local url containing installation msi packages by selecting "Install by direct package URL" in the software install task options.

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On 30. 12. 2016 at 1:37 AM, ekpfix2011 said:

I am facing the same issues..
It was very easy with the version 5 console.. and i am going back to version 5

Please elaborate more on the issues you are having. If you don't like to use proxy for downloading installers and updates (would save a lot of traffic compared to using a mirror), ERA v6 enables you to create all-in-one installers so that agent on clients doesn't have to download an Endpoint installer on each machine if no http proxy server is used. Also we are about to release a deployment tool soon which will make the process even easier.

Although ERA v5 is not as complex and robust as v6, it provides less options. What's more, it can only manage Endpoint v5 and older versions which do not support the latest protection features and therefore are not as effective in terms of malware protection as Endpoint v6 (with LiveGrid enabled).

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On 12/31/2016 at 8:56 AM, Marcos said:

Please elaborate more on the issues you are having. If you don't like to use proxy for downloading installers and updates (would save a lot of traffic compared to using a mirror), ERA v6 enables you to create all-in-one installers so that agent on clients doesn't have to download an Endpoint installer on each machine if no http proxy server is used. Also we are about to release a deployment tool soon which will make the process even easier.

Although ERA v5 is not as complex and robust as v6, it provides less options. What's more, it can only manage Endpoint v5 and older versions which do not support the latest protection features and therefore are not as effective in terms of malware protection as Endpoint v6 (with LiveGrid enabled).

When should we be expecting the deployment tool.?

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