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Security product vs Operating system install

Go to solution Solved by rbereza,

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I've been trying to push installs out to clients which has proven to be very hit or miss (mostly miss).  I've noticed that the success depends on how the product is installed, meaning between Operating system vs Security product.  Software install highlights in both no matter which one I actually select.


I've tried creating client tasks with Task Category set to "ESET Security Product" and then selecting "Software Install".  However, when I look at the task results it shows up as Failed with the Product as Operating System.  Obviously that is not what I selected.  Somehow I've gotten 4 products to install and they have all shown up with the Product as ESET Security Product.


Any ideas on what is going on with that?

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Could you please post some screen shots to illustrate what you meant by "... the success depends on how the product is installed, meaning between Operating system vs Security product.  Software install highlights in both no matter which one I actually select." ?

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Ivica - we are not behind any proxy


Marcos - I'm not sure what happened since yesterday but it seems to be installing fine at this point.  It seems to work better if I select a number of clients to install to at once versus doing one at a time.


If something changes I'll keep you posted.

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Looks like I spoke too soon this morning.  The first OU I selected worked perfectly.  I attached a file (success) to show you one user in that task.  The next OU I tried to do everyone failed.  I attached a file (failure) to show one user in that task.



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I found the issue with the sporatic install successes.  As part of the upgrade instructions it is listed that before uninstalling the 5.x administrator console you should push an uninstall command to all the clients.  What I didn't see listed was that the clients would have to be restarted before the 6.x client software could be installed.


Once I restarted the failing clients I was able to push the software without a problem.


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