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Do Report filters support any kind of regex?

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I'd like to be able to refine some of my results to only a specific domain or exclude certain computers from the list, preferably by it's computer name. Is this possible?


For example, if I wanted to exclude all the computers whose name begins with the letter 'C', I choose the Directory Category "Computer . Computer name". And then there are filter modifiers, such as contains, equals, not equal, has prefix, has postfix, etc.


If I wanted to include the computers whose names begin with the letter 'C', I could simply select the 'has prefix' modifier. But there is no way to EXCLUDE results. I've tried using common Regex symbols such as * and &, but nothing returns what I'm looking for. The whole thing is built on top of a MySQL database, so I would think I should be able to filter what I want.  

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  • ESET Staff

Unfortunately there is no regex operator or 'OR' operator or condition negation operator that would allow you to do simple exclusion in reports.


In your example case I can only suggest to use 'Static group . Static group parent hierarchy' symbol that can be used to select whole subtree recursively. But that will require to have computers structured in a way that are suitable for the report you want.

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