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Server certificate after migration and webconsole connection issue

Go to solution Solved by Marcos,

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I have migrated my centos env. to a new Rocky VA, using "Clean installation" guide: https://help.eset.com/protect_install/11.1/en-US/clean_installation_same_ip.html

Almost everything works but I have a problem when I try to import Server Certificate (old to new VA) - when I do that, I cannot login anymore to web console, and I get "login failed: communication error".

I've tried doing it either from "More ->Settings" and webmin with same result.

Doing it from webmin I can import back the new certificate (I did backup), and I can login again, but agents that didn't connect when the old certificate was installed, can't do that with the new one.

Why logging to web console doesn't work when I import old server certificate?

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