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HTML/Phishing.Agent.B trojan

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Hello folks, 

My ESET Home recently provided the following notification: 

Time;Scanner;Object type;Object;Detection;Action;User;Information;Hash;First seen here
23/09/2024 12:54:17;Real-time file system protection;file;C:\Users\aiuni\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Service Worker\CacheStorage\eadf114e35641d8a14aa9648d8e1c01b4b3bb3f0\5b7137fd-f3ad-47f3-a395-b8714e91c46f\b6a4c11af22ae3fb_0;HTML/Phishing.Agent.B trojan;cleaned by deleting;ANDREIWINDOWS\aiuni;Event occurred on a new file created by the application: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (29B97B1A7C807D8AF01EC4D1177A005C38057A73).;7F1F3AA0BB3526CCFD459466CDF79D18DD13D131;20/09/2024 9:23:22

How can I make sure the trojan is not recreating this file? Or is it better to reinstall the OS without digging deeper in this? 

 In this thread the user warns about the trojan recreating the file. I would like to understand who to avoid this. Log attached. 

Screenshot 2024-09-23 132721.png


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The file is not currently detected. Most likely it was detected because of the Google FP which was fixed about an hour ago.

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1 hour ago, Andrei-I said:

Could you please clarify what this means?

Google FP - Google False Positive

Earlier today ESET blocked most of Google domains by mistake most likely AI's mistake , it was a false positive because google is safe website , but was fixed quickly after being blocked.

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