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ESET File Security reports the error of number of process limit reached

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Dear forum members,

I am using ESET File Security in a Linux instance, and I am having the following issue:

• The "efs.service"  from time to time reports  the error "number of process limit reached". Then the service hangs up and stops scanning the incoming files in the system. Restarting the service solves the problem, but this solution does not fit our needs.

I could not find any configuration parameter in ESET to increase the maximum number of scanning processes. Not even in the manufacturer's manual.

May I ask you for any ideas about this topic? 

May thanks in advance for your attention to this matter.





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Would this help?


The “number of process limit reached” error on Linux typically occurs when a user or process exceeds the maximum number of processes allowed. Here are steps to resolve this issue:

1. Check Current Limits

First, check the current limits for the number of processes:

ulimit -u

2. Temporarily Increase the Limit

You can temporarily increase the limit for the current session:

ulimit -u 4096

This command sets the maximum number of processes to 4096 for the current shell session.

3. Permanently Increase the Limit

To make this change permanent, you need to edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

  1. Open the file with a text editor:
    sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf
  2. Add the following lines to set the new limits:
    * soft nproc 4096
    * hard nproc 8192
    This sets the soft limit to 4096 and the hard limit to 8192 for all users.

4. Apply Changes

After editing the file, you may need to log out and log back in or restart your system for the changes to take effect.

5. Verify the Changes

Check the new limits to ensure they have been applied:

ulimit -u
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Hi Marcos,

Thanks a lot for your attention to this matter and of course, for your reply. I really appreciate it.

I dug a bit more and it seems that one of the modules (or processes) of the ESET File Security, called "scand" (refer to attached picture)  logs this events :

"scan limit has been reached".

Do you know if it is possible to increase that limit or where is that configured in ESET File Security?

It seems that the service stops scanning the incoming files after that logs and a manual restart is needed. I could not find documentation about that "limit" anywhere.

Thank you again!

Have a nice day.



EFS service..PNG

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