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Eset Agent for Win8.1

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I've finally gotten all the new systems up using the latest Agent; but I still have a Windows 8.1 system that needs attaching to the on-premise setup.    I installed

ESET PROTECT On-Prem (Server), Version 11.1 (11.1.756.0)

ESET PROTECT On-Prem (Web Console), Version 11.1 (


I took a look at https://support.eset.com/en/kb6114-download-an-earlier-version-of-eset-protect-and-its-components and am having troubles downloading the correct 64-bit download.   I clicked on the ESET Protect 9.1 64bit Agent download; but I'm not sure if I'm downloading the correct version for Windows 8.1. 

I tried running https://download.eset.com/com/eset/apps/business/era/agent/v9/9.1.1298.0/agent_x64.msi  using the GPO deploy, but I get a %%1603 error. 

Firstly, I created a GPO installer install_config.ini from the Installers option.  I put that install_config.ini and the linked agent_x64.msi in a share drive. 

I created the GPO policy with the WMI filter that only specifies 64bit and only Windows 8 to use that installer. 

The folowing WMI filter:

    root\CIMV2     select * from Win32_Operatingsystem where (version like "6.%")

    root\CIMV2    select * from win32_processor where AddressWidth = "64"

But when I reboot and log in,  nothing gets installed.  Unfortunately, there's no logs remaining after it gets deleted.  So, I tried the following:

msiexec /I \\server\gpos\agents\x64_9\agent_x64.msi /QN /L*V "c:\msilog.log" CONFIGFILE="\\server\gpo\agents\x64_9\install_config.ini"

I took a gander a tthe log

Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1
MSI (s) (84:A8) [15:33:57:168]: Note: 1: 1708 
MSI (s) (84:A8) [15:33:57:168]: Product: ESET Management Agent -- Installation failed.

MSI (s) (84:A8) [15:33:57:169]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: ESET Management Agent. Product Version: 9.1.1298.0. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: ESET, spol. s r.o.. Installation success or error status: 1603.

MSI (s) (84:A8) [15:33:57:229]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
MSI (s) (84:A8) [15:33:57:229]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (84:58) [15:33:57:229]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
=== Logging stopped: 8/15/2024  15:33:57 ===

I'm currently stumped as to what to do.

Any help appreciated



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The latest version of the management agent for Windows 7 and Windows 8.x is v10.1 which is in limited support until December 31, 2025 (https://support-eol.eset.com/en/policy_business/product_tables.html) :


I recall that agent v9 would not work even if you've managed to install it. Install agent v10.1 instead. Should the problem persist, raise a support ticket, however, I cannot guarantee that technical support will be able to help with such old operating systems for which we don't offer products with full support.

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Hi @Marcos,  I tried using the 10.1 agent; but it still fails to install.  I don't quite understand why I'm having so much trouble with this system.  I used to be able to install using GPO.  Sure it required a few reboots, but the agent installs properly and connects with the server.

I've recreated the installer gpo as well as tried using the protect installer; but both packs up the newest version of the agent, which doesn't support 8.1. 

Will try to file a ticket and see how things go.


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Just to answer my own question,  while the Agent would be able be installed on the Win 8.1 system, unfortunately, it isn't going to be able to connect to the newer ESET Protect systems due to the Agent certificate not being able to be recognized by the system.  (At least, that's what's I've been told by the tech support).  As I'm using the current ESET Protect, my 8.1 system isn't going to be able to connect to it.


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Actually, having visited

I followed the instructions again:

  1.  Exported Agent cert from ESET Protect ui,
  2. Imported #1 pfx into a Win2019 server cert manager
  3. Exported the agent using the TripleDES_SHA1 (though I had to click on the (Group or Username) in order to get the Next button to ungrey itself
  4. Exported the CA cert.
  5. Ran the Agentx64msi, 
    1. changed the Server to the server IP, selected the Offline Installation,
    2. Selected the Peer Agent Certificate as exported by step #3(above)
    3. Selected the CA cert as exported by step #4(above)
    4. Clicked on Next

However, I get the "Provided certificate is not valid PFX certificate or password does not match".

Next, I'll be running the "update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1", but if that requires a re-install, I'll just let it be since it's pointless to do a re-install and try to get all the other clients to re-sync with the server just for this old system.


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