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How Does One Move ESET Anti-Vi Account from Old System to New System

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I apologize if this is the wrong forum. I also want you to know that I did a search but I couldn't find an the answer I was looking for. Anyway, for the past 12+ years I have been running ESET's anti-virus on my old but now rapidly failing computer system (it will be scrapped). So I built a new one hoping to being able to transfer my account over to it. Unfortunately ESET updated for two more years on my old PC just two days ago. 

What do i need to do to move my current account on my old system and transfer it to my new system? Thanks.

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If the former computer with ESET installed is connected to the Internet, uninstall it the standard way via Add or remove programs for instance. Otherwise you can leave it installed but deactivate it via the subscription manager in your ESET HOME account and then install and activate ESET on the new machine.

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