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I have a couple questions

1. When a scan completes where do I go to check whats been cleaned and how its been cleaned

2. Why did my scan pause and freeze when it was almost done

3. If I shut off my pc will the scans log be partially saved or will I have to redo the whole scan for it to clean

4. If my scan freezes what should I do?

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1, You can find scan details in Computer scan logs:


2, Perhaps it was just scanning a bigger archive and it didn't freeze. Did you wait for several minutes or hours for the scan to complete?

3, If you shut down the computer while a scan is running, you should see the status "In progress" in the Status column, otherwise "Completed" will be there.

4, See above. The scanner should not freeze forever. If it appears to be stuck, just wait several minutes or even an hour and the scan progress should move on after finishing the scan of a bigger archive.


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I found the log file but how do I filter it so it only shows whats been clean?

For the scan I have no idea how long its been paused I wasn't at my computer when ot paused. The timer stopped and it said I needed to create an account to continue when I did though nothing happened and the timer was still stuck.

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Turn on the filter and select only warnings (and critical) records to display:


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