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SSDP Discovery - Blocked (UPnP requests, svchost.exe) 

My router - Blocked (UPnP requests, svchost.exe as well) 

what kind of router do you want automatic blocking, does it have to have IDS etc. under pfsense will help or what should you require because I don't know what attacks are going on?

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11 hours ago, lhiui81w said:

SSDP Discovery - Blocked (UPnP requests, svchost.exe) 

My router - Blocked (UPnP requests, svchost.exe as well) 

what kind of router do you want automatic blocking, does it have to have IDS etc. under pfsense will help or what should you require because I don't know what attacks are going on?

It's always the best to have a router/firewall that is supported by the manufacturer with software updates for sure.

SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) is a network protocol used in small networks, including home networks, to advertise and discover network services primarily supported by the Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) architecture.

I would as first step , go inside the router settings and disable UPnP since it's vulnerable to attacks.

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So I have it turned off but which router in Windows attacks I don't know why but I know that they use VPN via KAIL LINUX should close the networks and the port completely and WINDOWS you have to contact Microsoft regarding blocking UPNP SSDP

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, lhiui81w said:

So I have it turned off but which router in Windows attacks I don't know why but I know that they use VPN via KAIL LINUX should close the networks and the port completely and WINDOWS you have to contact Microsoft regarding blocking UPNP SSDP

Contacting Microsoft is hard from my experience

But try to go to Advanced Firewall Settings in Windows Firewall or in ESET

And block those :


Edited by Nightowl
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So you can translate from Polish because I'm Polish, sorry about English translations I don't know since I also contact GOOGLE because it's also Microsoft's fault but it should close Kail Linux only permissions who in white permissions it's for Kail Linux they use and in black it should be closed because VPN you know about this I should close the whole world and delete other applications android, tv etc and that's why I decided to make pfsense from build mini pc computer only what exactly IDS etc.

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You can type in Polish but I guess the forum rules indicates that we must communicate in English so others can understand but I can use Google Translate

And as far as I know Linux like Ubuntu when default installed have no open ports unless we open but Kali since is used for Offensive Security where you try to hack as to learn/study/search for vulnerabilities can be different in terms of Ports and also in terms of a system since in Kali you always the root/admin user , where in Ubuntu for example the system will give you a normal user and once you do something that needs an admin , it will ask for the password.

Microsoft on the other hand is different , when Windows is installed there are some ports that are left open and when the PC is left unprotected by a Firewall to the Internet , many bots will jump on it to try and scan it or hack it etc

PFSENSE is better than all of the Home Firewalls you can find in the market in my opinion , it does what it need and more and also if you are looking for something that can be flashed on the router , you can take a look at OpenWRT and maybe you can flash it on your current router

Edited by Nightowl
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1 hour ago, Nightowl said:

Możesz pisać po polsku, ale chyba regulamin forum wskazuje, że musimy porozumiewać się po angielsku, żeby inni mogli zrozumieć, ale ja umiem korzystać z Tłumacza Google

I o ile wiem, Linux taki jak Ubuntu, gdy jest domyślnie zainstalowany, nie ma otwartych portów, chyba że je otworzymy, ale Kali, ponieważ jest używany do bezpieczeństwa ofensywnego, gdzie próbujesz włamać się, aby dowiedzieć się/przestudiować/wyszukiwać luki, może się różnić pod względem portów, a także jeśli chodzi o system, ponieważ w Kali zawsze jesteś użytkownikiem root/admin, podczas gdy na przykład w Ubuntu system da ci zwykłego użytkownika, a gdy zrobisz coś, co wymaga administratora, poprosi o hasło.

Z drugiej strony Microsoft jest inny, gdy zainstalowany jest system Windows, niektóre porty pozostają otwarte, a gdy komputer nie jest chroniony przez zaporę sieciową łączącą się z Internetem, wiele botów wskakuje na niego, próbując go przeskanować lub zhakować itp.

Moim zdaniem PFSENSE jest lepszy od wszystkich domowych zapór sieciowych, jakie można znaleźć na rynku, robi to, czego potrzebuje, a nawet więcej. Jeśli szukasz czegoś, co można sflashować na routerze, możesz rzucić okiem na OpenWRT i może możesz sflashować go na swoim obecnym routerze

so if you know about it, you can do it there, maybe explain it step by step, since you know about it and you use pfsense with a company or something, and also Polish, because I have recently sent files with the words SPAM.zip to the laboratory with ESET, they should analyze it and give you an answer

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Is it possible to add consent and blocking to the ports so that they are automatically directed to be rewritten to pfsense? Is it possible please?

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