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Unable to scan - damaged or encrypted content

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We get a ton of these alerts flagged as critical. Always specific to OS X and frequently either dmg or pkg files. These are triggered by the on-demand scanner using the default archive scan settings.

Assuming it's expected that ESET can't fully scan these archives is there a way to reduce the severity reporting in the console?

We'd prefer not to exclude these files from scanning and it's not entirely limited to dmg and pkg files, though those are the bulk.

Are there any best practices or ways to address this?

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We would need to get the files in question to find out what exactly is reported and why. As for filtering errors, not sure if there's a filter on Mac similar to that on Windows that would allow for hiding warnings and errors:


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Hi @Marcos Here's an example we see frequently across our Macs. It's an ESET pkg file that triggers a critical alert in the EP Console. The specific detail is in the screenshot below.

Another we see continuously is from pkg files in the OS X update repository where a bunch of pkg files live:




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Unfortunately that won't help me. I'd need that file, scan it myself and possibly pass it to developers for perusal if I don't find anything obvious wrong with it. Does changing the scan limits to the maximum possible value make a difference?

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Marcos The underlying issue is that when it's unable to scan a file, it considers it an 'antivirus detection event'. Which then triggers a Malware Outbreak Alert to be sent, creating a false alarm.

Is there a way to exclude 'unable to scan' from antivirus detections so that we only get notified of actual detections?

In this most recent case it appears to be due to a password protected file, which generated 143 alerts.

Edited by j-gray
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