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Hallo Eset


Ich habe eine frage zu euren Produkt.

Warnung - potentielle Bedrohung erkannt
Wenn eine potentiell unerwünschte Anwendung erkannt wird, können Sie entscheiden, welche weitere Aktion vorgenommen werden soll (s. Beispiel in Abb. 1-2):Säubern: Diese Option stoppt die Ausführung und verhindert das Eindringen der potentiellen Bedrohung in Ihr System.Keine Aktion: Diese Option gestattet den Zugriff einer potentiellen Bedrohung auf Ihr System.Um künftige Unterbrechungen der Anwendung auf Ihrem Computer zu vermeiden, klicken sie auf Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen und wählen Sie das Kontrollkästchen neben Von der Erkennung ausschließen.

Warum kann man bei diesen Fenster "Warnung - potentielle Bedrohung erkannt"  >> "Erweiterte Einstellungen" diese Option


"Von der Erkennung ausschließen" nicht auswählen?






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1, This is an English forum and we may not be able to understand you correctly if we are forced to use a translator.

2, You have removed important information about the path/file name and most importantly about the detection name so we are unable to give you any advice.

3, Only potentially unwanted, unsafe or suspicious application can be excluded from detection. In this case, you were alerted about a threat, hence that option is not available.


To start off, let us know the detection name or post the appropriate records from your threat log.

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Sorry that i have german here but my English is not so good.


2. Here is the full screen with information hxxp://image-upload.de/image/Sg12yp/799045b772.png


3 but why is this option not available.?


And gives more information about "Html/scrinject.b.gen" ?



Edited by Cactus
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The file is probably located in your browser's cache on the disk and contains a potentially dangerous link which is the reason why it was detected and blocked.

For security reasons, it's not possible to exclude actual malware from detection; only potentially unwanted, unsafe and suspicious applications can be. While you are alerted about threats by a red window, in case of the mentioned applications which are not malicious or dangerous per se you are alerted by a yellow window.

Simply choose to delete the file and the problem will be solved.

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  1. It wasn't a PUA which was detected there.
  2. Like Marcos said it could be something in the browser cache.
  3. Why do you want to exclude this? It's a HTML virus - so delete it.
  4. (@Marcos) Well you could of course exclude any file from scanning, but as there is no reason in this case (and in most other cases too) I wouldn't suggest this.
  5. ESET has a great site if you want to find information about a malware detection - virusradar.com. And if you search there for this treat you can e.g. find out that it's one of the most often detected threats in the world and you can also find some information on WeLiveSecurity - the blog of ESET.
Edited by rugk
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