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Sender has spammy reputation

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Some legitimate emails are being rejected by Mail Security for Exchange with the reason "Sender has spammy reputation (100%)". When observing the email additional info I see that they are originating from ISP mail servers which of course could be listed as sending spam but that alone should not cause an email to be rejected.


Sample headers of rejected emails:


Sender has spammy reputation (100%)

IP address:

HELO domain: mtaout28.012.net.il



Sender has spammy reputation (100%)

IP address:

HELO domain: fss1.bezeqint.net



Is there any way to either:

1. Specify ISP domains so that for them spammy reputation is not checked

2. Specify ISP domains so that for them spammy reputation is not the only factor in rejecting a message


I do not want to whitelist the ISP server as spam might still come from these servers. I just want to have some more indicators before rejecting a message from known ISP mail servers.


Other ideas are welcome as well

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello DanAvni,


It is not possible to exempt an address or domain from one particular type of antispam detection (i.e. reputation checking). Exemptions in the Mail Security Allowed Senders list or the Exchange Safe Senders list will apply for all antispam module checking.


You can adjust the sensitivity of the DNSBL and RBL checking, however THIS IS NOT ADVISED. This will affect all email that is scanned by Mail Security. For steps on this process, please see below:

  1. Open ESET Mail Security by clicking Start -> All Programs -> ESET -> ESET Mail Security -> ESET Mail Security.
  2. Press F5 on your keyboard to open Setup.
  3. Expand Antispam protection, click Antispam engine and then click Setup.
  4. Click Verification -> DNSBL.
  5. Adjust the DNSBL verification sensitivity, depending on your needs.
    1. If the spam score of the email is already greater than the "high" value, then only those DNSBL servers which can bring score below "high" value are queried.
    2. If the spam score of the email is already less than the "low" value, then only those DNSBL servers which can bring score above "low" value are queried.
    3. If the spam score of the email is already between "low" and "high", then all DNSBL servers are queried.
  6. Click OK, then click OK again to save your changes.


Thank you,

Edited by Chadh
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