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Antivirus and Antispyware protection is non functional (virus scanner initialization failed)

Go to solution Solved by Peter Randziak,

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Just today i received this message after i turned on my Laptop after updating and doing scan last night, i don't know the cause, i'm using windows 8.1 for this laptop, the version of my Eset is attached




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52 minutes ago, Peter Randziak said:

Hello @delicatho,

Please provide us with an output from ESET Log Collector tool taken during such state so we can check it.

thanks for the reply, here's the log, i use default profile collection


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  • ESET Moderators
  • Solution

Hello guys,

the fixed modules are available on the Update servers since ~13:00 CET (November 14, 2023).

Users affected by this issue do not need to take any steps, the module will be updated automatically and the issue will be resolved by it.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused,

Peter on behalf of the teams involved

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello guys,

Can you please try to verify the fix on pre-release update channel in environments, where you reproduced the issue?

In our internal tests it works well, but we would like to have it confirmed before we deploy the change on the release update channel.
Thank you in advance.

Peter on behalf of the teams involved

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