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What is the second Eset notification for?

I suspect one or more of your Eset protection mechanisms are disabled. Open the Eset GUI and verify no alerts are shown.

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48 minutes ago, tman555 said:

This is what appears when I click on the notification of proxy gui

The first alert states "The license will expire soon." Is this a trial license?

The second alert states "Operating system updates available."

As far as the limited cloud access warning goes;


Resolve the "Limited Direct Cloud connectivity" warning

TCP/UDP port 53535 must be open

Communication with ESET's servers has changed and communication on UDP and TCP port 53535 must be allowed on a firewall for ESET LiveGrid, Antispam and Web Control to work. To resolve an ESET product with a limited Direct Cloud connectivity issue, TCP/UDP port 53535 must be open.

You may be unable to access an ESET Cloud connection due to a temporarily disabled internet connection or a network outage from your service provider.We recommend checking the internet connection with your internet service provider or using a different network and changing the Domain Name System (DNS) to, for example,

If the issue remains, we recommend you check the connectivity to all ESET LiveGrid, Web control/Parental Control and Antispam IP addresses on the given ports.                 



Edited by itman
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4 hours ago, tman555 said:

Can opening the port through Windows Firewall work?

Assuming ESSP Firewall Filtering mode is set to Automatic which is the default setting, the Win firewall is not your issue.

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ESET firewall was set by me on interactive and cloud limited access popup disappeared. The problem is that I received multiple ping of death attacks and I suspect this has damaged Eset proxy

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