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how to restore lost videos from android phone


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A Forensic imager .

Cloud based backup setup prior to being lost from hosts like google, microsoft, samsung etc

Remove the Nand IC and weld it to a rig for data dump and converting from raw.


PM me if you need data recovery services, i can point you in a good direction if the severity of obtaining is high. US only.

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... or plug your SD card into your computer (maybe with an adapter when you have to) and recover the files with a tool on the computer.

There you have more processing power! :)


If you saved the pictures in the internal storage then - depending on the device - this maybe doesn't work.

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I have been using the Internet for too many years to not see through this. 


If the other two wouldn't have posted about their fantastic apps, then the help TS asks for could be genuine, but not anymore.


As far as I can see, no one needs help with anything. The "master plan" here is for the TS to ask the question just so the other two can come along a few days later and give "suggestions"=promote their apps or whatever they are doing.


This thread is deleted so let's view it through google cache, it shows exactly what's going on. TS posts...and then a few days later Gav arrives with the magic solution just like that...



The partners in crime Gav&saraamy hasn't show up in this thread yet though, still only the TS: https://www.zonealarm.com/forums/showthread.php/81241-how-to-restore-lost-android-phone-videos?s=60e1771d154acab4a9b28a245048f262


Fact is, the TS is also helping to spread info spam about coolmaster just like saraamy: hxxp://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=cache:nUXeQOktdR0J:hxxp://www.pinoyexchange.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D736007%2BLyloyrrtt+lost&oe=UTF-8&gfe_rd=cr&hl=sv&ct=clnk&gws_rd=cr


And here they are active like crazy and also using some other nicknames just check the discussions on the left: https://www.flickr.com/groups/cameraphone/discuss/72157649681979305/


I remember Mulder&Scully from the X-Files "the truth is out there"...this time it was found on the Internet  :D

Edited by SweX
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