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Debug website threat detection

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Hello, my website has been detectet as site what include JS/Spy.Banker.IV trojan. We got problem with this in past but the website should be clean now. But the eset still detect it as threat. Is any possibility to get some debug log or extra verbose debug message what exact part of webpage is detected ? The error is just in the checkout page so I am not able to check it with free tools because it is require registration to access the checkout page. Thanks

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https://emotors.cz/cs/objednavka  -    but this page require to have some product in cart. If you dont you are redirected to cart.

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I searched whole sourcodes, also searched the all loaded resources at that page for "var_***" and nothing found :( I am totaly lost. 

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It could be injected into clean checkout pages at runtime.

Do you use the latest version of Prestashop? Asking because of this vulnerability:



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Ok. For some reason the clean install of chrome automaticali remove the malicious script from the website without notification. If I try debug it in the firefox I was able to remove it completly from website. Thanks for the help anyway.

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