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ESET Agent - check presence of enabled Bitlocker


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  • ESET Staff

Hi @VlP,

If you have ESET Full Disk Encryption installed on the Workstation, you will get an error within the ESET Protect Console informing you that the machine is Bitlocker Encrypted if it is.

Alternatively, if you are asking from a perspective without having ESET Full Disk Encryption installed on the Workstation. Yyou can use the following command to check if a machine is Bitlocker Encrypted remotely:

Manage-bde -status -cn <computername/ip> <drive letter>

Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-R2-and-2012/ff829859(v=ws.11)

Does this help?

Thank you,


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5 hours ago, Muhammad_Faisal said:

It seems the original question isn't answered here. I am also looking for such an option by ESET. So kindly ESET team can we get some traction? Thanks

It was answered above by @Kstainton. If you think that something is missing, please elaborate on it more.

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Thanks Marcos for your response.

However, our request is we have 300+ laptops, and we have deployed ESET agents on them using ESET Protect. We have combination of Windows and Apple laptops.

Now we would like to verify if all endpoints have Bitlocker/FileVault installed? if not which ones? We aren't using ESET FDE, hence we need to rely and confirm the installation of the above. Kindly let me know if that's even possible using ESET Agents?

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  • ESET Staff

Hi @Muhammad_Faisal,

Although I work with the Encryption Team and could not directly answer anything specifically about the ESET Agent and Bitlocker/Filevault detection. I think you might be better to ask your question here: https://forum.eset.com/forum/38-remote-management/ as ESET Agents will be looking through this daily and it will have more reach to the people you require assistance from.

Thank you,


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