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Is it possible to create an exclusion using Source IP?

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I want to create an exclusion for ssh protocol, but only coming from a specific host IP address but this is not one of the predefined options.

Is it possible to specify source IP using the Advanced Editor? If so, what are the correct 'component' and 'property' values to use?

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  • ESET Staff

As you did not share any data, I will be be sharing a very generic how to that may or may not work for you.  If it doesn't, I will need a bit more info on what you are seeing in the details of the detection.  Main assumption is that you have some sort of SSH Server process, on Linux/macOS, which is getting detections on one of our SSH Rules.


You will need to use an Advanced Exclusion.  I would recommend to use a "Process" and "Operations" section to state, "When a specific IP is seen starting an inbound connection to process named ssh in path /abc/efg/, it is expected and do not trigger detection."

Some notes before I show the rule:

TcpIpConnect = outbound connection

TcpIpAccept = inbound connection


Here is how you can exclude multiple IP addresses (ensure you are defining each address as either IPv4 or IPv6):

        <!-- Define attributes about your process of interest here -->
        <operator type="AND">
            <condition component="FileItem" property="FileName" condition="is" value="sshServer"/>
            <condition component="FileItem" property="Path" condition="starts" value="/your/path/here/"/>
      	<!-- Inbound IP Addresses excluded from detection -->
        <operation type="TcpIpAccept">
            <operator type="or">
                <condition component="Network" property="IpAddressV4" condition="is" value="" />
                <condition component="Network" property="IpAddressV6" condition="is" value="fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a" />


If you are looking to only exclude a single IP, the "operator type" will change to the following:

        <!-- Define attributes about your process of interest here -->
        <operator type="AND">
            <condition component="FileItem" property="FileName" condition="is" value="sshServer"/>
            <condition component="FileItem" property="Path" condition="starts" value="/your/path/here/"/>
      	<!-- Single inbound IP Address excluded from detection -->
        <operation type="TcpIpAccept">
            <operator type="and">
                <condition component="Network" property="IpAddressV4" condition="is" value="" />


Lastly, lets say you want to exclude both inbound and outbound connections, you can then use something similar to the following:

        <!-- Define attributes about your process of interest here -->
        <operator type="AND">
            <condition component="FileItem" property="FileName" condition="is" value="sshServer"/>
            <condition component="FileItem" property="Path" condition="starts" value="/your/path/here/"/>
        <!-- Inbound IP Addresses excluded from detection -->
        <operation type="TcpIpAccept">
            <operator type="or">
                <condition component="Network" property="IpAddressV4" condition="is" value="" />
                <condition component="Network" property="IpAddressV6" condition="is" value="fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a" />
        <!-- Outbound IP Addresses excluded from detection -->
        <operation type="TcpIpConnect">
            <operator type="or">
                <condition component="Network" property="IpAddressV4" condition="is" value="" />
                <condition component="Network" property="IpAddressV6" condition="is" value="fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a" />


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