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ESET Smart Security 7 Beta & ESET NOD32 Antivirus 7 Beta Released – Give Feedback and win

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Hey Loke, i find that auto mode + rules is usually sufficient, but again i dont know your environment or work.

We do know significant changes have been made with ver7 beta, and its still being worked on. Beta phase :)

*Advanced memory scanner was one, they could have also beefed up the strictness of whats behavioral; as hips interactive is suppose to be "prompt" on most.

You could try enabling logging under configure rules, and have a peak....

Also, i would be interested in the rule list you have, have you double checked it for behavioral type prompts ?


:) Good Luck

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Hey Arkasi,


I have made the very same settings in ESS 7 Beta as I have in ESS 6. I have even imoprted the settings from ESS 6 to ESS 7 by using Export/Import function.

I do like to have full control on what is going on in the ESS, that is why I have the settings "Interactive mode".

I am sorry but I do not follow you totally. Can you tell me what you mean with "have you double checked it for behaviorat type promts?".


One thing more I doscovered yesterday.

When I started the installation of my MS Office 2013 I had to confirm the installation for about 7 times before it started. Then the installation task bar (the green one), that shows the progress was shown with a tiny little green light. I waited for 12 minutes and the tiny little bar was still standing and not moving.

I rebooted the PC as I could not stop the installation.


After rebooting I once again started the installation of MS Office 2013. I got a new message from ESS 7 and confirmed that it was ok. Then the installation of MS Office 2013 was completed within 5 minutes. The green taskbar moved from left to right.

My experience is that ESS 7 did not display the last window that needed to be confirmed until I rebooted the PC. As the window did not appear I could not confirm and the installation was on hold.


Exactly the same thing happend when I uninstalled MS Office 2013. The uninstallation started, after I had confirmed the progress by ESS 7 for about 5-6 times. Then the green task bar did not move at all for about 10 minutes.

First, after rebooting the PC I got an additional window that I had to confirm and the uninstallation ran fine.


Please note that the PC in use had a clean Windows 7 64-bit installation prior to the installation of ESS 7 and Office 2013.

I uninstalled ESS7 and reinstalled MS Office 2013 again and it was completed within 5 minutes with no errors.

I then uninstalled MS Office 2013 and there was no errors.


I then installed ESS 6 and installed MS Office 2013 and it ran just fine. I only had to confirm once that the installation was ok. I still use the very same settings in ESS 6 as I do in ESS 7.

I know the Beta version might have some issues. This is one of the issues I have found so far.


The PC I am using is a PC with Intel Core i7 2600K, Gigabyte MB Z68X-UD3P and Corsair Vengeance 2x4GB RAM.





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Try this and see if you have better results with installation :

*Assumes C:\ is drive letter of OS

From Eset Main Gui

-Setup, Enter Advanced Setup

-Computer Tree, Hips Selected

-Rule Editor, Configure Rules

-Click New , Name=(Outlook test) , Action=Allow

-Other Settings (rule activated checked)

-Tabs :

-Source application, Click Add and enter The main File or MSI for Outlook 2013 [find your outlook shortcut if you have one and right click then choose Open File location] or Within Outlook setup folders.... choose setup.exe

-Target Files (check below use for all operations) - Add button on right  , then select folder. Type in .......

"C:\MSOCache\All Users" & "C:\Microsoft Office 15\" & "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\" & "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 15\" [or minusx86 for 64bit ver]

& finally just incase its msi not one-click "%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Shared"

-Target Applications (check below use for all operations - Add button on right, then select folder. Type in "C:\MSOCache\All Users" & "C:\Microsoft Office 15" & "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\"

 & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 15\" [or minusx86 for 64bit ver]

-Target Registry (check use for all operations),Click Add and enter,Click Run Regedit Enter "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0" & "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0"




If you still have an abundance of warnings/pop ups, i would chalk it up to beta changes and hips being more sensitive to system changes,

therefore Interactive might not be your favor as ESET is throwing prompts on more system data then ver6


There are certainly more reg keys, especially uninstaller sections etc, but for now. Try those and see if the install has less prompts, or still bothers you ?

Let me know if you can give that a try and see how the install goes ???

It could be just a waiting game for beta 7 to get thoroughly checked for bugs and released to public.

Talk soon, i will check back.


PS. this isnt a fix, just hopefully a way to tell whats going on and maybe help devs if there is an issue from ver6.

Other reg keys to add to exclude just incase:


32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Delivery\SourceEngine\Downloads\*0FF1CE}-*
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*0FF1CE*
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Upgrade Codes\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ose
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Features\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Win32Assemblies\*Office15*

64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\Delivery\SourceEngine\Downloads\*0FF1CE}-*
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*0FF1CE*
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ose
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Features\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\*F01FEC
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Win32Asemblies\*Office15*
Edited by Arakasi
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  • ESET Insiders

Hi all,



(forums are not the sites where visibility is a number-one, so it is possible I am repeating someone's suggestion in which case - sorry :-) my bad)



It would be nice to have a default ESET task in v7 and later to automatically "Clean update cache" (CUC) every X days (let's say once a week). We receive a significant number of support calls where simple CUC solves the problem.



Just my $.2 :-)



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Guest anony mouse

Decription: Auto alert on new version

Detail: Have an automatic pop up like when your licence expires stating that a new version is available with a link to install, or have an auto update button to automatically update the version of software

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Hello Arakasi,


I have performed every setting you have written and tripplechecked them 3 times (in total 9 checks). When I click "OK" in order to complete the settings I get the message "The path you entered is invalid".

I have removed all settings all the way to "Target registry" but still get the same error message.

I have removed the "   "   " in front of and in the end of the registry targets but still the same error.

I have added the two registry keys separatelly (using "ADD" two times" and entered the keys with and without the "  "   " in front of and in the end of the keys.


Still the very same errors.


I would like to remind you that I once again have made a clean installation of Windows 7 64-bit.


Please note my comments regarding the key values you mentioned in the below list:


64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0
    The above key does not excist in a cleand Windows 7 installation
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0
    The above key does not excist in a clean Windows 7 installation.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\Delivery\SourceEngine\Downloads\*0FF1CE}-*
    The above key does not excist in a clean Windows 7 installation.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*0FF1CE*
    The above key does not excist in a clean Windows 7 installation.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ose
    I do not have that key in my clean Windows 7 installation

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Features\*F01FEC
    I have no key that either starts or ends with the above value.

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\*F01FEC
    I have no key that either starts or ends with the above value.
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\*F01FEC
    I have no key that either starts or ends with the above value.
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Win32Asemblies\*Office15*
    I do nor have any key in "Installer" with the name "Win32Assemlies".
    The keys I have in my clean Windows 7 installation are: Assemblies", "Features", Products" and "UpgradeCodes".

    I Installed ESS 7 after a new clean installation and once again the HIPS are asking for every "svchost.exe" application that is used by "svchost.exe".
    For example, I start IE10.
    ESS 7 first asks for the "ieplorer.exe" to be allowed.
    I tick "Create rule" and click "Allow"
    Next up is a new question for "iexplorer.exe and a new access type.
    I tick "Create rule" and click "Allow".
    Next up is a new task and this time it is "Operations".
    I tick "Create rule" and click "Allow".
    Next up is "Outbound traffic.
    I tick "Remeber action (create rule)" and click "Allow".

    When I close IE10 and restarts the program I get a new task:
    Once again it is "Operations".
    I tick "Create rule" and click "Allow".
    Then a new task opens and Access type again.
    I tick "Create rule" and then "Allow".

    Now IE opens again.
    When IE has opened a new task from ESS 7 opens.
    I tick "Create rule" and then click "Allow".
    New window and Operation.
    I tick "Create rule" and then click "Allow".
    New window and Operation.
    I tick "Create rule" and then click "Allow".

    First, after all this, can I close IE10 and reopen it withou any more questions from ESS 7.

    It cannot be correct that a user needs to do all this just to start IE10 without any futher questions from ESS 7.


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Hello Arakasi,


More information for you.


I have once again tried to install Office 2013 on a clean installation (yes, I have reinstalled Windows 7 again in clean mode) after installing ESS 7 Beta.
I have once again set HIPS to Interactive mode.


When starting the Setup.exe in Office 2013 (64-bit) I have to "Allow" several times. After getting tired of clicks on "Allow" in order to start the installation I click in the Taskbar and opens ESS 7. I do this while i still have one window open where I must "Allow" again in order to proceed the installation.

I can only ONCE click on "Setup" in ESS 7 Beta and then it is impossible to click on anything else in ESS 7. ESS 7 do not respond on anything. The only way to close ESS 7 window is to click on the "Active bar" and rightclick on the icon for ESS 7 and choose "Close window".

I tick "Create rule" on the open window and click "Allow". The open window closes and I open upp ESS 7 again.

Now ESS 7 opens up allready marked on "Setup".

The installation window for Office 2013 is open but the installation is on "freeze".


In the ESS 7 window there is no respond what so ever on anything. To close the ESS 7 window I have to click on the "Active bar" and rightclick on the icon for ESS 7 and choose "Close window".

In the Task Manager I can see that ESS 7 is running.

Once again I opens up ESS 7 but I can do nothing!


The Office 2013 installation is still, after more than 10 minutes, on hold.


I abort the Office 2013 installation and it takes about 7 minutes before I get the "Close" window.

I reboot my PC.


I have to once again, allow "Run Once", "ATI/AMD grafic" and "ATI/AMD cmd.exe" command. I have done this and also clicked on "Allow" everytime I start the PC. It seems to me that ESS 7 do not remember my settings.


I start the "Setup.exe" for Office 2013 again.

Once again I have to allow "Setup.exe" to run.

I also need to allow "SearchIndexer.exe" again.

I also have to allow "msiexec.exe" again.

I also have to allow "WMIADAP.exe" again.

I also have to allow "msiexec.exe" one more time, despite that I tick "Create rule" every time!

I also have to allow "WMIADAP.exe" one more the, despite that i tick "Create rule" every time!

I do need to allow "msiexec.exe" a third time and I still tick "Create rule" every single time I click on "Allow".

I write this at the same time as I installs Office 2013 and I have once again been forced to tick "Create rule" and then "Allow" for msiexec.exe".

Now I need to "Create rule" and click "Allow" for "msiexec.exe" an additional time.


Finally the installation of Office 2013 starts!

The installation is fast (I am using Intel Core i7 2600K).

Approximatelly 1/4 in to the installation ESS 7 Beta once again request a rule for "msiexec.exe".

I create a rule and click on "Allow".

ESS 7 once again needs to create a rule for "msiexec.exe".

I create an additional rule and clicks "Allow".

Then ESS 7 requests a rule for "cmd.exe". I create a rule by ticking "Create rule" and clicks on "Allow".

Once again ESS 7 request a rule for "cmd.exe". I do that as before.

A third time from ESS 7 for a rule for "cmd.exe". I do this a third time.


The installation progress of Office 2013 continues.

The installation reaches about 1/2 and the ESS 7 once again needs to create rules.

First it is "msiexec.bat" for, I have lost counting, x time that needs to be "ruled". I tick "Create rule" and click "Allow".

Then it is "wevtutil.exe" that needs a rule. I create this.

Then it is "mscorsvw.exe" that needs a rule. I create this in ESS 7.

Then, once again, "msiexec.exe" needs a rule in ESS 7. I create a rule again....................


The installation finally proceeds again for just some few seconds. Now it is time again to click and tick in ESS 7.


First, "services.exe" needs a rule and I create this.


The installation proceeds 2 seconds.


Then "msiexec.exe" again needs a rule. I create .................................


Installation proceeds less than 2 seconds.

"msiexec.exe" needs a rule again ............................................ new rule and I am getting extremly tired!


Installation proceeds and the taskbar reaches the end.

Then ESS 7 once again needs my attention.

"msiexec.exe" once again needs a rule. I create the rule as before.

A second rule for "msiexec.exe" is needed and I create it once again.

A third rule for "msiexec.exe" is needed and I create the third rule for this program.

A fourth time for "msiexec.exe" is needed and I create, very very tired, a fourth rule for this program.

A fifth time for "msiexec.exe". Yes, I tick "Create rule" and click "Allow".

Six time on for "msiexec.exe" and Yes! I tick "Create rule" and click "Allow". How many more times are needed???

Seventh time for "msiexec.exe" and I do still create rules.


Finally the installation is finished. I get the "Close" window for Office 2013.


The above scenario is written, as I allready har written, at the same time as I performs the installation.

I have the very same settings in ESS 7 Beta as I have in ESS 6.

If ESS 7 is going to be as described above, then I must say I will not upgrade to ESS 7. It is a disaster compared to ESS 6.


I would be most happy to have an explanation on why I need to create rule and allow the very same program for so many times as you can see above.


I will uninstall ESS 7 at once and reinstall ESS 6. I cannot use my PC with ESS 7 installed.








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ESET Smart Security 7 Beta v

problems with firewall settings on windows 7 ultimate x64 service pack 1

the firewall settings wont save after OS reboot



then i restart windows and check again


i try to repair using the eset kit that is the same version ess_nt64_enu.msi and i get error


how can i fix the firewall to remember settings

( didn't have this problem with eset 6 ) Edited by Constantin Pop
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Sorry for the late response...

All the folders and registry keys I provided are not created until after office install. Hence the path not found errors.

I was suggesting creating said rules after install, then uninstall and install to test only.

I wonder if the devs can remove the check on folder/file location exists so future directories can be added.

I see a several wmi queries in the install to. Maybe you can try a rule on that service also.

It sounds like this may be something only the company can address :)

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Found a possible bug that may or may not be fixable

Please pass along to the devs...


This happens every time i login to my user account.

It goes away when i click on "Run System Update"

The update that is labeled is "Windows Defender Definitions"


I have the following assumption.

Since Windows defender is disabled by default upon installing Eset Nod32 AV, which essentially takes over and monitors the system; the bug may be due to this very instance.

It could also be a Windows flaw as windows update should not be looking for windows defender updates since Eset is monitoring security.


I also thought that it may be due to the fact i have many hidden updates like stupid Bing desktop and so forth, until i saw Windows defender.

Whatever it may be. . . . Good luck ! hope i helped :)


Edited by Arakasi
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I have the following assumption.

Since Windows defender is disabled by default upon installing Eset Nod32 AV, which essentially takes over and monitors the system; the bug may be due to this very instance.

It could also be a Windows flaw as windows update should not be looking for windows defender updates since Eset is monitoring security.


I also thought that it may be due to the fact i have many hidden updates like stupid Bing desktop and so forth, until i saw Windows defender.

Whatever it may be. . . . Good luck ! hope i helped :)



Are you sure that windows defender is turned off ? , If you go to control panel and select windows defender, it should pop up and say its turned off. I manually turned off windows defender in win7 x64 and never have the issue you describe.

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I have the following assumption.

Since Windows defender is disabled by default upon installing Eset Nod32 AV, which essentially takes over and monitors the system; the bug may be due to this very instance.

It could also be a Windows flaw as windows update should not be looking for windows defender updates since Eset is monitoring security.


I also thought that it may be due to the fact i have many hidden updates like stupid Bing desktop and so forth, until i saw Windows defender.

Whatever it may be. . . . Good luck ! hope i helped :)



Are you sure that windows defender is turned off ? , If you go to control panel and select windows defender, it should pop up and say its turned off. I manually turned off windows defender in win7 x64 and never have the issue you describe.



The only thing that was off was real time protection. I assume it was still On by "Use this program".


Just my opinion, but i feel upon installation of other AV programs, this should be switched to off completely to avoid these kinds of things.

Leaving it up to the user will not work successfully to normal consumers who have little to no experience with computers, their question would be "What is windows defender ?".


Thanks 4L3X , will check and see if the problem resolves itself in the coming days ...



 Maybe eset can compensate with a condition statement after install or on first load to turn off or disable Windows Defender to prevent the following bug i posted.



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I stand corrected i think. Windows Defender is suppose to shut "ITSELF" off when 3rd party is installed. So that may be a windows 7 bug ? Maybe eset can compensate with a condition statement after install or on first load.

Thanks again.


Where are you getting this information from? IMHO, this beta feedback thread is getting derailed by too much conjecture.

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This is a feedback thread 0strodamus, Not a post your negative comments thread.

My post is about a legitimate flaw i found in the programming that needs to be considered as something to correct or check for.

We have moderators that can remove the bad or misinformation.

And to answer your question.

Compatibilities between virus programs have existed for years. 3rd party programs have been shutting off av-builds in windows security for 30 years.

I dont have time to hunt down where i read or received sources; but confirmed by Microsoft, even security essentials.... THE "Microsoft Security Essentials" NON-Windows 8 version, shuts off Windows defender by design for 7, Vista, XP, etc


I know several software suits that turn off windows defender and the like to keep cross compatibility flaws down.

I may have been confused that it suggests or prompts the user to shut it off, its still hard coded into Windows when 3rd party is installed, it either recognizes it or similar suggests action.

I will re-word my post, but i should not have to.

Again, lets keep posts to assist with ver7.

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I don't see anything in the link you provided that states that Windows Defender will disable itself when a 3rd party AV is installed. My post was not intended to be negative. In my opinion, wrong and inaccurate information can often cause more harm than good. I think the information you provided may not be accurate, but of course I could be wrong. That is why I asked about a reference. The burden of proof is on you because you made the statement. This is the nature of having a dialog. I'm sorry if you perceived this as some sort of a personal attack. At any rate, it doesn't matter and I don't want to contribute any more than I already have to derailing this thread.

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I could reply with more debate but im not.

Good day to you sir.

Thanks for your feedback.

Back to ver 7 :)

Still loving it immensly.

Thank you Eset & staff.

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  • ESET Insiders

Virus database update (last successful update August 19, 2013 1:31:50 p.m.) does not terminate.

Yeah, I've been stuck with this for the last ~3 hours. The virus signature update completes and then the GUI shows Application Update -> Update Progress 0kb / 0 kb. The only way to stop it is to log off or reboot, though that will only last until ESS next checks for updates. :wacko:

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Virus database update (last successful update August 19, 2013 1:31:50 p.m.) does not terminate.

Alt+Shift+F4 then launch AV.

Edited by Ego_Dekker
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  • ESET Insiders


Virus database update (last successful update August 19, 2013 1:31:50 p.m.) does not terminate.

Alt+Shift+F4 then launch AV.


Unfortunately, exiting the GUI doesn't help. As soon as you relaunch, you see the endless update continuing, so a log off or reboot is necessary.

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