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Subscription Question And New Verision

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Hey guys, 


I have been a happy user now for 8 months or something like that, my subscription doesn't end until 21 March 2015 and I was wondering if you knew  what sort of discount if any they give for renewing and also when version 8 will be released as the crop of Security Suites are starting to release their newest offerings.

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Yes, afaik all distributors or resellers offers some kind of discount for renewals. You can alwasy check on the site where you bought it it should be mentioned there.


We don't know an exact release date, most likely when ESET think its ready to be released. 

You can upgrade to V8 for free with your current license once it's released, version upgrades is free of charge for all license holders.

Edited by SweX
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Thanks for the information I bought it directly from ESET Webiste, I was just wondering if I could guess how much it would cost for the renewal of my license that was all thank you for your help though

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No problem. Unlike me, the Mods can see from wich country you are from so they may be able to provide a better answer. Normal members like me can't see that. ;)


The thing is ESET have several websites, and local resellers have their own websites serving their region. Wich is why I can't say how big the discount would be for you as I don't know where you bought the license. And unless things have changed one must renew through the same website where you originally bought the license.


But like I said i'm not sure but at least $10 off on renewal if i'm not mistaken. And similar amount in other currencies.


Of course many times you can also find good deals elsewhere if you look around when its time for renewal as you could buy a new license cheaper than the renewal prices, like from Newegg (if you are able to buy from them) where its not uncommon you can buy older versions wich is not a problem, as we can use the license for any supported version we want including the latest version.


Sorry but this is all I can tell you.

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