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FDE decryption for partition of a crashed laptop


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We have a user whose laptop was encrypted with ESET Protect and his laptop crashed and he had a partition D:\ he formatted the laptop (drive C:\ only) without decrypting it and now he is unable to get his data from Drive D:\ as it is still encrypted. Is it possible to decrypt it or it his data lost?


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  • ESET Staff

Hi @IbnJamaal,

Are they able to attempt the following recovery method on that machine: https://help.eset.com/efde/en-US/recovery_data.html

If this does not work or provide you the option to decrypt, please contact your local ESET Support Office: https://www.eset.com/me/support/contact-support/ and we shall look into this further for you.

If you do need to get in touch with your local ESET Support Office, please can you attach a ZIP of the "\efi\boot" folder from the ESET Recovery USB that you attempt to use for decrypt via the method provided above.

Thank you.


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