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Ad Synchronization problem and unable to upgrade ESET Protect from 7.2 to 9.0

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Hi, about a month ago we saw that the AD synchronization was no longer working. We tried to analyze the possible causes but we only can see an error when we try to launch the activity: "Failed to bind to the specified object ..... Error code = 0x8007203a, The server is not operational". We've already checked that domain name was in capital letters and the other prerequisites. At this point, we tried to change the type of synchronization from AD to LDAP and in that case it worked. Despite this, when we install the endpoint on the client, we cannot see the agent e the endpoint installed on the computer from the ESMC console. ESET support has suggested us to upgrade ESMC version from 7.2 to 9.0 but we're unable to do that because when the upgrade starts the ESET Security Management Center Server service remains in stopping status. It doesn't restart and the upgrade fails. If we try to repair the software from Control Panel it gives the same behaviour.

Can you help us to identify the real causes of this problem?

thank you so much

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  • ESET Staff

For the original problem, I would recommend to check older topic:

In case communication stopped just suddently, it might be related to secure connection certificates (= expired certificate) or maybe there was just an update of the operating system hosting AD and protocol used previously is no longer available. But this is hard to diagnose without more details.

In case of upgrade issues, if possible, please provide us at least ESMC's Server trace.log from moment then service cannot be stopped. There is a possiblity stop is just slow and is not finished in time for the installer to work properly. From logs we should at least see in what moments it the shutdown process stuck.
Also is it possible to stop ESMC Server manually? If so, stopping it manually before executing upgrade might help to mitigate this issue.

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