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Redirection to payment gateway not working with Eset 8.1.2


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We are facing a problem with an eshop we are maintaining. Some users have been complaining about the redirect to the payment gateway not working. 
After many tests, we noticed that the redirection is not working in computers using the Eset Endpoint v.8.1.2 with the SSL Filtering option enabled. Once we disabled this option, the redirect worked as expected.

Is it possible that this option is causing the redirection to fail? If yes, how could we fix it?

The website is https://just4pets.gr/
If you make any test orders, please write so in the notes field.

Thank you in advance.

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Unfortunately I was unable to proceed to the payment due to this error which I could not resolve despite translating the page:


What bank website / payment gateway opens when one pays with a bank card?

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Hi Marcos,

The errors you see is because you have entered an invalid post code (you can use 12243) and you have not choose a payment method (you could choose Alpha Bank, the first option).

When you choose the bank option, you are redirected to Alpha Bank's page where you fill in your credit card's details.

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Still getting the same error even with the postal code 12243:


Anyways, it would be enough if you provide me with the url that opens in a secure browser if you proceed to checkout. If you are redirected to a payment gateway, such url should not open in the secure browser and you should make the payment in the current instance of the browser.  This is not a problem if you enable the "Secure all browsers" option in the advanced BPP setup.

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Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Unfortynately I can't find the secure browser option and enable it. However, the url that open when you select the payment gateway is this
https://www.alphaecommerce.gr/vpos/PaymentHandler2?trid=32740599227&st=203f10da392e9 where the last numbers change dynamically for each order.

About the order errors, the only country option should be Greece (I think it's the default option) and you have to choose a shipping method in order to continue. 



Thank you

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Do you have the payment gateway's domain set to open in a normal browser? We don't redirect it to a secure browser by default:


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I can't see this option, does it exist in 8.0.2039.3 version?

The annoying thing is that the redirection works fine on my computer. The problem occurs in computers using Eset Endpoint v.8.1.2 with the SSL Filtering option enabled. When this option is disabled, the redirection works fine.

Is this problem happening because of the user's ESET configuration or is it some problem on our website? 


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Thank you for the quick reply.

So if I get it right, the default configuration for alphaecommerce.gr is Normal Browser but if a user has selected the secured browser option for this url, the redirection will not work.

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  • ESET Staff

It's unusual that user manally add payment gateway to list of protected websites, but if he (consciously) do that and redirect doesn't work, he should remove it.

I was able to proceed in eshop to payment itself and I wasn't redirected, but I used fake generated card details and real success path may differ.

I need to understand, if problem is with payment gateway, or some bank website opened during process of payment. There are 2 options, where step is terminated/redirected to Secure Browser:

  1. eshop -> enter card number to www.alphaecommerce.gr/vpos/PaymentHandler2
  2. eshop -> enter card number to www.alphaecommerce.gr/vpos/PaymentHandler2 -> validation on other bank website

Do you know, which scenario users have?


If you have user, that's able to collect logs, you can navigate it:

In ESET product, Switch on Advanced settings (F5) > Tools > Diagnostics > Advanced logging > Enable Secure browser advanced logging
In browser, collect HAR log - open developer console (F12) > Network tab > Gearwheel > turn on Persist Logs
Replicate an issue
In browser, save HAR log - Browser developer console > Gearwheel > Save All as HAR
In ESET product, switch off [both] advanced logging
Collect ELC log from time, when normal and secured browser is runing (https://www.eset.com/int/support/log-collector/)



Edited by constexpr
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello constexpr,

Sorry for the late reply.

The problem occurs before the user reached the payment gateway. The steps are:

  1. Checkout page where you add your shipping details and choose payment method.
  2. The user is redirected to the Thank you page where he is informed that a redirection to the bank's page will happen in a few seconds - this is the step where the problem occurs
  3. if the redirection work, the user will get redirected to the payment's page where he adds his card details. If the redirection does not work, the user will remain in the Thank you page.

So, the problem is the redirection from our website to the banks site.


Tahnk you.

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