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Bonjour Mesdames Messieurs, 

Je me permet de vous écrire car je souhaitais bénéficier d'un essai de 30 jours suite à une bonne communication de votre part dans un reportage Youtube que j'ai pu regarder. Je procède donc aux différentes actions demandés ( suppression de l'antivirus installation de vos services ), puis je suis bloqué sur l'activation de la clé produit... Surprenant pour un essai ! 

De plus je tiens à vous signaler que quand je clique sur contact en bas de votre site je tombe sur une ERROR 404 .. pas très pro pour une société qui critique ouvertement ses concurrents ! 

Merci de revenir vers moi avec plus de sérieux, dans l'attente de votre retour. 

Bien cordialement,



Machine translation:
I allow myself to write to you because I wanted to benefit from a 30-day trial following good communication from you in a Youtube report that I was able to watch. I therefore proceed to the various actions requested (removal of the antivirus installation of your services), then I am blocked on the activation of the product key... Surprising for a test!
In addition, I would like to point out to you that when I click on contact at the bottom of your site, I come across an ERROR 404 ..

Edited by Marcos
Machine translation added
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  • Marcos changed the title to Essai 30 jours (30-day trial)
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We kindly ask you to write in English since this is an English forum.

Unfortunately you forgot to mention what ESET product you have installed and want to activate. Please let us know what product you want to activate.

As for the problem activating a 30-day trial version, what error do you get after filling in the necessary information?





In addition, I would like to point out to you that when I click on contact at the bottom of your site, I come across an ERROR 404 ..

What link did you click that led to 404? Was it on https://www.eset.com/int/ ?


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