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Getting a Japanese update for ESET server security on Virtual Appliance

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  • Guest changed the title to Getting a Japanese update for ESET server security on Virtual Appliance

Just realised the current version is listed as Japanese, is there any way to change this, not sure how it's been operating


ESET Management Agent ESET, spol. s r.o. 9.0.2141.0 507 yes 9.0.2141.0  Up-to-date version en_US
ESET PROTECT Server ESET, spol. s r.o. 9.0.2141.0 912 yes 9.0.2141.0  Up-to-date version en_US
ESET Rogue Detection Sensor ESET, spol. s r.o. 1.1.615.1 86 yes 1.1.615.1  Up-to-date version en_US
ESET Server Security ESET, spol. s r.o. 8.1.813.0 1528 yes 8.1.818.0  Outdated version ja_JP



OS Information
OS Type    Linux
OS Version    7.9.2009
OS Name    CentOS
OS Service Pack    n/a
OS Platform    64-bit
OS Locale    en_US
OS Language    n/a
OS Timezone    GMT
OS Timezone Offset [minutes]    n/a

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  • ESET Staff
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Unfortunately there is an glitch in this latest version detection present in recent versions of the console - but there is no need to be afraid it would install wrong product or it would change anything in your configuration: problem is just visual and in the console, as both ENG and JPN variant are identical as this product has only one multi-language installer.

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Nonetheless, there is an issue with updating the jp_JP Version. I can't update because the referred repository is not available.

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Can run a software installation task think it was En-US i did and it will update, but still say JP_jp in the overview



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