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MirrorTool and language selection

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I just updated to MirrorTool v 1.0.2226.0 and realized that the --languageFilterForRepository option was removed.  As I don't require other languages other than en-US, is there a way to filter out non en-US languages?



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Thanks Marcos! 

I was just setting up a filter file but I keep on getting an error "Error: MirrorRepositoryFilter: Failed to parse file with filter rules, check if all fields are filled correctly, error: std::exception".

I copy and pasted the sample JSON to a filter file and ran MirrorTool.   I looked at the list of options for Mirrortool.  Is there an option to show what field MirrorTool is expecting but I'm missing?



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Ah never mind.  PEBCAK again..   Had an extra ".0" at the end of the version field.


Incidentally, this option is *MUCH* better as I won't need to download all sort of stuff that I don't need.

Thanks!  Kudos to whoever thought of this.


Edited by ewong
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