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When Will Eset End Support For Older Versions?


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Good day, everyone!

This is just an out of curious question.

I wonder if ESET has any plan on ending support (include virus update, program update and customer support) for older versions, like 2.5, 3.0 or 4.0.

I think it requires quite an effort and money to keep supporting older versions like that, and it makes sense if ESET plans to do so.

But, I really appreciate if ESET continue support them for the time to come. :D

Edited by klv12gcn
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This is an interesting question and here is what I can say about it:

  • If you mean with support the the ESET knowledge base and the personal support then I'm quite sure that they won't end the support in the far future.
  • If you mean the support for downloading virus signatures, then this is often only limited for technically reasons. E.g. - if I remember correctly - to v 2.7 or earlier cannot be send any VSD updates anymore, because the signature system has changed in this version.
  • And I don't think that it requires effort and money to support older versions (with VSD updates) because they all use the same updates.
  • And I also don't think that ESET has plans for ending support. Maybe the time will tell if and when ESET will end the support for older versions, but currently we aren't able to say something about this.

But in the end there are many benefits of the newer versions of ESS, like I explained here and so it is always good to upgrade to the newest version.
Here you have detailed instructions how to upgrade: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2476

Related links:

Edit: version number corrected, thanks to SweX

Edited by rugk
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ESET NOD32 Antivirus 2.7 (and earlier) no longer receive VSD updates since May 29 2012.


With a valid license you can use ANY version from 3.0 -> 8.0 and get VSD updates just fine. Product upgrades are always free of charge.


Older versions never get new features, or afaik hardcore fixes as it's very likely it have been fixed in a newer version. For example if a 5.0 user have a problem the first step would be to try a newer version, or the latest version to see if the problem/issue persists.


There is currently no known plans to stop any of the older versions from receiving VSD updates. When that happens then ESET will probably announce this beforehand so everyone knows about it when it's time. Like they did with version 2.7.

Edited by SweX
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Thank you, Rugk and Swex!

Your answers have clarified my question.

Sure using newer version is always better. But I saw some computers still using v4.

That's when that question popped out in my mind.

Thank you very much!  :wub:

Edited by klv12gcn
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But I saw some computers still using v4.

Them you should suggest "these computers" to upgrade to a new version.

And BTW you can also give us a kudo (at the right) if you liked our posts. Edited by rugk
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Since v3 and newer versions share the same modules, there should be no problem with supporting older versions in terms of updates. However, even with same modules v3 has already far worse protection against malware than any newer versions.

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