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I have a major problem with ESET complete package since I've had an (unknown- read on) "suspected infection".


I have a 3 licensed end-user package for several years with great results but lately on one of my PC's (Windows XP - EeePC Note Book) I can't read any content of the programme as the "writing" or fonts cannot be seen as the screen just shows the frames and white background. I have checked my "FONTS Windows Directory" and all is ok and still there.


Any suggestions?? Or is this a programme conflict with another? - No antivirus or similar of other brands has been installed.


Help would be most welcome as I can't even read the contact email for client support and it occurred to me this may be a good place to start.


I attach a pic of the Eset home page as I see it today on my PC.


Thank you in advance.


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BTW you can make screenshots (= photos of the computer screen) with the print key or with many free tools available online.


A complete instruction how to take a screenshot you can find here: hxxp://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows

Edited by rugk
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