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License got cancel 1 day after buying it on the official website


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I recently bought the home package directly on the website and activated the license by connecting my account in the app. Today my license go cancel, is that a joke or ?

Thanks in advance.


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The reason for cancellation was that the credit card payment was rejected. That said, you should not have been charged. If necessary, please contact ESET LLC:


Call: +1 (844) 824-3738 in San Diego, CA USA; press 1 for questions about ESET products or assistance with credit card payments. Available Monday-Friday, 6:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time [GMT-8]

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So, after buying another license with another credit card because I used my AMEX for the first one and thought that could be the issue my second license got cancelled again ! And to be clear this is not a money issue. 

This is so frustrating to get licenses cancelled with 0 explanations or emails after buying them through the official website !! (https://www.eset.com/us/)

Could you please explain me the issue here ?


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20 hours ago, Gwen said:

So, after buying another license with another credit card because I used my AMEX for the first one and thought that could be the issue my second license got cancelled again ! And to be clear this is not a money issue. 

Below is a screen shot of Eset N.A. eStore purchase web site. Ensure that all information requested is correctly entered. Most important would be credit card data:

1. The name entered exactly matches the name embossed on the card you are using.

2, CCV which is usually a 3 digit number shown on the back of the card is correctly entered.

I would also recommend that data entered in the billing address section match the billing address on file for the credit card being used.


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