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We want/need dark theme for PC


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Hi everyone.

I still searching about the dark mode, but all ansvers are "no, not required etc" so I see eset dont listen customers, but many of customers asking for this function and I am one of them.

Maybe UI is  is not opened frequently by user as write some admin in last closed topic..,

but what about WHITE popup windows? like firewall dialogues? This is white and it is "VERY" comfortable when you working at night, everything in dark mode and now some app want to connect internet and eset start showing white windows. And now I see, like some admin tell me about set firewall to automatic mode because in this mode eset don't show this windows 😄 but I don't do thir "repair" like whe you have flat tire, so -dont drive the car instead of replace it :D I want to use it at full potential.

and dont tell thas this function is too hard to implemete - every colors in program must be deffined in some variables, so why not define black instead of white? its question about few minutes and few minutes to add software switch in application.

So I hope to add, if not whole UI in dakr then at least the popup to dark collors.


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As you have probably noticed, this has been already requested in the Future changes... topic.  However, currently it has a low priority on the to-do list also because AV's gui is not something that users come across frequently. It is not necessary to open new topics with improvements that have been already requested and answered by ESET staff.

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Is the list of required properties visible somewhere?
To see the status - required, under review, approved for implementation, and dynamically prioritized. Something like a poll up on this forum where it would be immediately visible what has been requested by whom and at what stage.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/10/2021 at 10:56 PM, DaveD said:

Hi everyone.

I still searching about the dark mode, but all ansvers are "no, not required etc" so I see eset dont listen customers, but many of customers asking for this function and I am one of them.

Maybe UI is  is not opened frequently by user as write some admin in last closed topic..,

but what about WHITE popup windows? like firewall dialogues? This is white and it is "VERY" comfortable when you working at night, everything in dark mode and now some app want to connect internet and eset start showing white windows. And now I see, like some admin tell me about set firewall to automatic mode because in this mode eset don't show this windows 😄 but I don't do thir "repair" like whe you have flat tire, so -dont drive the car instead of replace it :D I want to use it at full potential.

and dont tell thas this function is too hard to implemete - every colors in program must be deffined in some variables, so why not define black instead of white? its question about few minutes and few minutes to add software switch in application.

So I hope to add, if not whole UI in dakr then at least the popup to dark collors.


What you said was perfectly correct, for ESET customers we urgently need a dark theme for the product we use.
I always listen, it's programmed for the future.
but take a look at the request from users, it has been requested for years, so far I don't know what it means that it will be placed in the future....because that future never arrives. that's a shame we're going through it, all because of a color a dark theme...

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