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Other computers on network I get error message

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I have EIS on my desktop and that works fine(one of 3 lic), however, I got a new laptop and used one lic to install EIS, then my problems began.

I am unable to access other computers on the network and get this error message That I have no permission.

I uninstalled EIS and now I can access the other PC's, so it seems that EIS (or a setting in EIS) was stopping me from accessing the other computers.

I would like to use EIS, so I am asking for any assistance, to change a setting in EIS to prevent the error.

I will be reinstalling EIS, but I don't know what setting to change.

I appreciate any assistance.



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  • Solution
4 hours ago, ncc1707 said:

I uninstalled EIS and now I can access the other PC's, so it seems that EIS (or a setting in EIS) was stopping me from accessing the other computers.

Eset by default will use Windows firewall settings to set the active network connection profile it uses.

By default in Win 10, the firewall is set to use the Public profile. Therefore, Eset's active network connection is set to the Public profile. Under the Eset Public profile, no network devices are trusted and therefore, not accessible.

For starters on the laptop, set the Eset active network connection from "Use Window settings" to the "Home or Office" profile and see if that resolves the issue. Important - remember to check the active network connection profile when using the laptop when not connected to your home network and ensure it is using the Public profile.

Edited by itman
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Hi itman

Thanks for taking the time to provide assistance.

I reinstalled and used your suggestions and now it is working properly, even did a backup, now that it is seeing and accessing the NAS.

I appreciate your help.

Thanks again.


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